Tuesday 5 May 2015

On being Diabetic

For a start I had a problem with chocolate that was my addiction. Although for the first couple of years before I became diabetic I didn`t touch as much. But my weight was spiraling out of control. I was getting worried. I was getting heavier and heavier and I didn`t seem to be able to do anything about it. A friend of mine was staying with me and he didn`t watch his weight, so that didn`t really encourage me. Before I became diabetic I felt weak and felt as if I was going to pass out. My partner had died, so I went along to the doctor and had blood tests. The receptionist rang me and said: "Come and get your iron tablets and metformin." I went cold. I was diabetic, at least I must be." I gathered I was low on iron but being diabetic. I never thought it would happen to me. Everyone had warned me.

It couldn`t have happened on a worse day. My partners Brithday and then I heard about my little kitten . He had been found dead and was in the container in the allotment. So it wasn`t the happiest day of my life. I needed my little kitten. Even though I had more cats, this one used to be lovely just to hold him in my arms and feel him breathing.These things happened and I got comfort with my other cats, but I still hurt inside.

Before I found out I was diabetic I had my last lot of chocolate cake with cream and I devoured every minute of it. All that smooth chocolate almost melting in my mouth. Beautiful.

To this day I haven`t touched chocolate. Well tell a lie. My friend two christmases ago brought me some malteasers. Well instead of lasting me a night I made them last three weeks.  There is no point chancing it as I was scared of the complications. 

My first days as a diabetic were scary. I didn`t know the best way to eat. I thought I could eat as I did. I don`t mean fattening things. But I used to eat at twelve midday and used to end up going low and having hypos because I ate at this time. So I quickly realised I had to eat at nine and start a new regime.

The first few months I managed to lose weight which I was pleased about. It was coming off. I went from 19st  13 to 16st 13. I was pleased and then I began to relax again and the weight has piled on. I am nowhere near as heavy as I was, but now I must work hard to 

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